• Chakra 3


    Chakra No. 3 (Solar Plexus): Rosemary, Virginia Cedar, Spanish Marjoram, Basil

    Solar Plexus encompasses the abdominal cavity, navel, digestive organs and the spleen.

    This oil aids assimilation of ones experiences. Digestion at all levels

    The Solar Plexus Chakra is represented by the color Yellow and it is located in the upper abdomen in your stomach. The third chakra is about your passion, your power, your desire and your will; is how we value ourselves as well as how we think others value us.

    Apply 1-2 drops in your palms and rub them together. Place your hands in front of your face and inhale. Apply 1-2 drops to 3rd chakra.

    Safety- keep away from children, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Calophyllum, Calophyllum Nophyllum, USA


    Calophyllum, Calophyllum Nophyllum, USA

  • Calming


    Calming:  Lavendula Vera, Rosemary, Clary Sage, Basil

    Encourages calmness, quietude and peace. Also good for purifying the house and eliminating odors. Good for insomnia, hyperactivity.

    Apply 2 to 3 drops to wrists or Third eye or add 2 drops to a sheet or towel before putting in the dryer, it will smell like a lavender field! Good for diffusing.

    Safety- keep away from children, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Goldenrod, Solidago Canadensis – Canada


    Goldenrod, Solidago Canadensis – Canada

  • Allergy


    Allergy: Rosemary, Peppermint, Balsam Fir, Goldenrod

    This will help you breathe better and when used in combination with Immune Up, it will strengthen your resistance.

    Inhale the blend deeply; apply 2-3 drops to your wrists, and/or diffuse in home or office.

    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.


    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Endocrine


    Endocrine: Balsam fir, Ravintsara, Cinnamon

    The endocrine system is a series of glands that secrete chemical messages, called hormones. It is another communication system (like the nervous system), but it uses chemicals to communicate. As you age, you may notice your endocrine system starts to slow down. Your hormones don’t seem to work as well. Some signs of this are fatigue, slow and steady weight gain, difficult weight loss, slower thinking, and hot flashes. Your hormones can easily become disrupted and confused by diets, synthetic hormones added to our food supply and environmental toxins. Synthetic estrogen and growth hormones given to cattle, chicken and even farm raised fish to increase their weight can have powerfully negative effects on human hormones and glands. This oil will help maintain a delicate balance.

    Apply 1 or 2 drops on the 3rd eye once a day for 3 weeks. Stop for two weeks and start again if need be.


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Archangel Chamuel


    Archangel Chamuel: Orange, Petitgrain, Laurel, Bulgarian Rose, Neroli

    Angel of Consciousness

    We are in the hour of great opportunity to make things right and to spread Freedom and its glorious effects across the face of the planet into the consciousness of mankind.

    Rub 2-3 drops in the palm of your hands. Inhale deeply. Then brush your aura with it.

    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Tara

    Tara: Eucalyptus, Goldenrod, Palmarosa, Hyssop, Myrrh, Frankincense

    Goddess of Peace and Abundance

    Goddess Tara is probably the oldest goddess who is still worshipped extensively in modern times. Tara originated as a Hindu goddess, the Mother Creator, representing the eternal life force that fuels all life. There are many embodiments of Tara, but the best known are the White Tara and the Green Tara. The peaceful, compassionate White Tara gently protects and brings long life and peace. The more dynamic goddess, Green Tara is the “Mother Earth”, and a fierce goddess who overcomes obstacles, and saves us from physical and spiritual danger.

    In Sanskrit, the name Tara means Star, but she was also called She Who Brings Forth Life, The Great Compassionate Mother, and The Embodiment of Wisdom, and the Great Protectress. Adopted by Buddhism, she became the most widely  revered deity in the Tibetan pantheon. In Buddhist tradition, Tara is actually much greater than a goddess — she is a female Buddha, an enlightened one was has attained the highest wisdom, capability and compassion…one who can take human form and who remains in oneness with every living thing. In the legends of Tibet where the worship of the Goddess Tara is still practiced in the Buddhist tradition, it is told that the goddess Tara is the feminine counterpart of the Avalokitesvara, the Buddha who is reincarnated as the Dalai Lama.

    Goddess Tara in her many incarnations has many gifts to share with contemporary women. Tara embodies the feminine strengths of great caring and compassion, the ability to endure stressful and even terrifying moments, the acts of creation, and the source of sustenance and protection. Refugees fleeing the horrors of the occupation of Tibet by the Chinese armies recounted numerous stories of the Green Tara that protected them during their torture and guided their flight to freedom. In other of her forms, such as the White Tara, she embodied inner peace and spiritual acceptance. She symbolizes purity and is thought to be part of every good and virtuous woman.

    To bring peace and harmony in relationships for couples and family members, apply 2 or 3 drops under the feet around toes.

    Personal experience: The oil goes to the stomach meridian (dealing with inner chatting & excessive thinking)

    It helps you go through life with open eyes. It works as a pair with MARY. It will open you to guidance. Apply drops on forehead on either side of the 3rd eye and the tip of the brow. LT

  • Bulgarian Rose, Absolute


    Bulgarian Rosa Damascena, Absolute:

    Absolute = Solvent extracted, clear, fresher scent. One drop on your heart or an organ needing love.

    We offer this rose for those who want a more budget friendly alternative to the steam distilled Bulgarian Rosa Damascena. To produce 100 ml of Bulgarian Rose, you need 350 kgs of Damascena Rose Petals to be steam distilled and only 100 kgs to produce the same amount of concrete/absolute.

  • Cedar, Juniperus Virginia, USA


    Cedar, Juniperus, Virginia, USA

  • Platinum dragon


    Bergamot, Mandarin, Howood , Frankincense, Cinnamon B&C

    Bergamot uplifts, calms, and brings joy. Rosewood facilitates spiritual flow to the body and reconnects to life.

    Put 2 drops in your hands and rub them, then touch something you want to prosper.

  • Abundance


    Abundance: Orange, Rosewood, Mandarin, Frankincense, Cinnamon

    One of our most popular blends as it attracts prosperity and joy. — Apply 1 drop to hands, rub them together and then touch what you want to prosper: money, bills, check book, a contract etc. Good to diffuse, too.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Lavendin Reydovan, Lavend Hyb-Grosso – France


    Lavendin-Reydovan, Lavend Hyb-Grosso – France

  • White Dragon


    White Spruce, Rosemary, White fir, C Tsuga, Eucalyptus, White angelica 

    The White Dragon represents all the other 11 colors combined, thus she is the 12th Dragon and sits at the 12 position in the Faerie ring.  She is the most Experienced and has Mastered all of the other levels of the Dragon Realm. She is humble, and doesn’t think herself any higher than the others, yet she has all the Experience and Mastery of the other Dragons combined.  She is Motherly in Nature.  Some say she is Mother Nature and she creates Magick with the other Dragons as well as the Faeries, and the Elementals, for the good of ONE.

    Apply 2 drops on your crown chakra

    Testimonials: “The White Dragon reminds me of the forest.  It’s ONEderful!” DL

    “My neck realigned itself immediately.” JR

  • Diffuser – Natural Wood

    Original price was: $135.00.Current price is: $120.00.

    11% Off

    NEW ~ Diffuser in Natural Wood With Timer

    This new diffuser technology allows you to diffuse nearly all essential oils.  This custom designed technology disperses the oils into the air to reduce bacteria, fungi and mold. Diffusing also freshens the air with natural fragrances, eliminating the need for synthetic, harmful air fresheners. The diffuser disperses the oils without heat, which could render the essential oils less effective.

  • Canadian Tsuga-organic, Tsuga Canadensis – Canada


    This hemlock essential oil from Canada is distilled from the twigs of the tree.

    Apply 4-8 drops and massage it under the feet or chest.

    Used for muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds, flu, infections, anxiety, stress, etc.


  • Amber, Tunisia


    Amber, Tunisia. Oil of Amber is a transparent, yellow oil, procured from succinic acid (spirit of amber) by increasing the heating temperature. It was produced by repeated distillation. It is very fluid and penetrative and was once used as an antihysteric and emmenagogue. [wikipedia]

    Historic medicinal uses

    Amber has long been used in folk medicine for its purported healing properties.[42] Amber and extracts were used from the time of Hippocrates in ancient Greece for a wide variety of treatments through the Middle Ages and up until the early twentieth century.[citation needed]

    Scent of amber and amber perfumery

    In ancient China it was customary to burn amber during large festivities. If amber is heated under the right conditions, oil of amber is produced, and in past times this was combined carefully with nitric acid to create “artificial musk” – a resin with a peculiar musky odor.[43] Although when burned, amber does give off a characteristic “pinewood” fragrance, modern products, such as perfume, do not normally use actual amber. This is due to the fact that fossilized amber produces very little scent. In perfumery, scents referred to as “amber” are often created and patented[44][45] to emulate the opulent golden warmth of the fossil.[46] The modern name for amber is thought to come from the Arabic word, ambar, meaning ambergris.[13] Ambergris is the waxy aromatic substance created in the intestines of sperm whales and was used in making perfumes both in ancient times as well as modern. The scent of amber was originally derived from emulating the scent of ambergris and/or labdanum but due to the endangered status of the sperm whale the scent of amber is now largely derived from labdanum.[47] The term “amber” is loosely used to describe a scent that is warm, musky, rich and honey-like, and also somewhat oriental and earthy. It can be synthetically created or derived from natural resins. When derived from natural resins it is most often created out of labdanum. Benzoin is usually part of the recipe. Vanilla and cloves are sometimes used to enhance the aroma.

    “Amber” perfumes may be created using combinations of labdanum, benzoin resin, copal (itself a type of tree resin used in incense manufacture), vanilla, Dammara resin and/or synthetic materials.[43]

  • Bulgarian Rose – Steam Distilled


    Bulgarian Rosa Damascena – Steam Distilled

    Of all the essential oils, Rose oil has the highest vibration. It radiates love, whether physical or unconditional. If you experience grief, this oil helps in opening the heart chakra again resulting in a faster recovery. It also strengthens the heart energy and helps radiate unconditional love. It helps with healing birth traumas. It is a gentle aphrodisiac, facilitates creativity, and spiritualizes sexual encounters. It is a PRECIOUS oil.

    Our Rose Tonic comes room the water used in the distillation (NOT rose added to water).

    Application: Place a drop on the heart or dilute with a good massage oil and spread it all over your body.

  • Patchouli, Pogosteman Cablin – Indonesia


    Patchouli, Pogosteman Cablin – Indonesia

  • Scar Tissue


    Scar Tissue: St John’s Wort, ArborVitae, Balsam Fir, Canadian Tsuga

    Don’t hesitate to use on your old scars. St John’s Wort and Arborvitae will attack the infection often stuck behind scars.

    Apply 3 to 5 drops directly on the scar or wound.

    Personal Experiences: “Your Scar Tissue oil makes a big difference in a scar I’ve carried since childhood.” Marg

    When I cut 2 fingers with a hedge trimmer, Lavender saved me. Three weeks later I had clean scars but lots of pain and weird nerve feelings. I then used Scar Tissue and within 24 hours, the pain was gone and no weird feelings.” JD

  • Pink Ray


    Pink Ray: Mandarin, Canadian Tsuga, lemongrass, Geranium, Lavendin

    Elohim Orion, with the third Ray pours divine love. We may understand our fellowman, allowing tolerance and respect, and expressing gratitude for life and all its blessing.

    Inhale and rub 2 drops over heart.

  • Breathing


    Breathing: Eucalyptus, Balsam Fir, White Pine, Ravintsara, Rosemary

    It relaxes bronchial airways and stimulates breathing. Great for improving air quality in airplanes, cars, etc.

    Antibacterial, it can relieve the feeling of congestion, opens respiratory passages, and can help improving in asthmatics or respiratory weaknesses; it may accelerate the healing process of a lung condition.

    Inhale the blend and apply 2 to 3 drops to chest or diffuse it 10 minutes twice a day. Recommended in massage, diluted in a carrier oil.


    Safety- keep away from children, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.


  • Chamomile, Chamaemelum Nobile – France


    Chamomile, Chamaemelum Nobile – France

    Chamomile was a sacred herb to the Saxon. It has a sweet and fruity aroma. As a sedative, it eases anxiety and nervous tension, and helps with sleeplessness or to calm children. It helps relieve muscular pain, and release anger, hysteria, fear, grief, worry, and spirit disconnection. It blends well with firs and lavenders.

    We offer two types: the Roman, and the ‘blue’ or ‘German’. If a type is not specified, then Roman is the oil of choice for most purposes. The Blue Chamomile contains more azulene, known to be a very good anti-inflammatory agent and also gives it the blue color. You need only a few drops to have an effect.

  • Spleen


    Spleen: Tarragon, Lemon, Rosemary, Cardamon, Geranium, Marjoram

    Strengthens and tonifies the spleen. Great when used with Kidney II, Circulation, Beautifull and Liver as apart of a Detoxification regime.

    At mid-morning, Massage 2-3 drops of Spleen directly on the area over the spleen.