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  • Blue Spruce, Palmarosa, Jasmine, Frankincense,  Bulgarian Rose, Myrrh, Nard, Cinnamon Bark The combination of the 12 dragons creates the 13th one. Blue Spruce has higher vibration than the rose; Nard helps attain a sacred space within + deep Inner Peace. Rub 2 to 3 drops to your heart and smile.
  • Pink Ray

    Pink Ray: Mandarin, Canadian Tsuga, lemongrass, Geranium, Lavendin
    Elohim Orion, with the third Ray pours divine love. We may understand our fellowman, allowing tolerance and respect, and expressing gratitude for life and all its blessing. Inhale and rub 2 drops over heart.
  • Pituitary

    Pituitary: Rosemary , White Spruce, Howood, Canadian Tsuga, Bulgarian Rose
    Archangel Michael calls it the key to balance. "When our right and left brain hemispheres are equally balanced, our spiritual brain centers, our pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of the brain are activated. When these centers function at full capacity, our center of enlightenment, our Crown Chakra, is open to full breadth, which connects us with all of the various aspects of our multidimensional God Self. In this balanced state, our power is always embraced with love and reverence for life, and our gift of free will is used properly." Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
  • Pituitary ~ StonAroma
    Pituitary blend with Quartz crystal & Light Aquamarine Archangel Michael calls it the key to balance. "When our right and left brain hemispheres are equally balanced, our spiritual brain centers, our pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of the brain are activated. When these centers function at full capacity, our center of enlightenment, our Crown Chakra, is open to full breadth, which connects us with all of the various aspects of our multidimensional God Self. In this balanced state, our power is always embraced with love and reverence for life, and our gift of free will is used properly." Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
  • Platinum dragon

    Bergamot, Mandarin, Howood , Frankincense, Cinnamon B&C Bergamot uplifts, calms, and brings joy. Rosewood facilitates spiritual flow to the body and reconnects to life. Put 2 drops in your hands and rub them, then touch something you want to prosper.
  • Protection

    Protection: Camphor, Canadian Tsuga, Coriander, Tarragon
    Good to protect your car, etc. Rub 2 drops in your hands and touch the car, etc. Personal Experience: "It was a big help with the latest hurricane. I put a drop on each window. A giant oak tree on the lake instead of my house." AD
  • Purple Dragon

    Lavender Spike, Petitgrain, Lavendula Vera,  Laurel, Grapefruit, Neroli And Lavender helps us to embrace love and peace at the deepest level. Petitgrain facilitates the exchange between Heaven and Earth, and establishes self-love and self-nurturing. Apply 2 drops on 3rd chakra, by the belly bottom.
  • Radiation Out

    Radiation Out: Red pine, Niaouli, Basil, Laurel, Frankincense
    To clear any negative affects coming from your cell or electromagnetic field around you. Apply a few drops to your wrists, or behind your ears or put 3 drops on a handkerchief, or in a vial you can wear all day. Also, Niaouli is know to protect against radiation, according to Dr. Penoel and Franchomme. It is also used to revitalize, stimulate, and help deep burns and clean wounds. " In Conjunction with radiation therapy for cancer -- according to Pat Davies -- applying a few drops to the skin before each session of cobalt therapy will protect against burning of the skin and it has been shown to reduce the severity of such burns." Personal Experience: "I especially like the Radiation/EMF. I had lots of energy and was 'cleaner' aura-wise than I have been for a long time. (I have a cell phone, live about 1/2 a mile from power lines and have a microwave). It also helps me sleep the whole night -- unusual for me."  
  • Ravintsara, Cinnamomum Camphora - Madagascar
  • Red Dragon II

    Cinnamon, Clove, Oregano, Thyme, Coriander Helps with chronic challenges Apply 2 drops on the back of the neck. Testimonial: “it took me back to Ireland, to the fairies.”CSHelps with chronic challenges
  • Rosemary, Rosmarinus Officinalis -- France
  • Rosewood, Aniba Rosaeodora - Peru
  • Sage, Clary, Salvia Sclarea -- Slovania
  • Sage, Officinalis, Salvia Officinalis - Slovenia
  • Saint Germain III

    Saint Germain III: Rosemary, Lavender, Bergamot, Juniper, Jasmine, Goldenrod, Myrtle, Sage, Helicrysum, Sandalwood, Camphor
    The added JASMINE removes mountains. It opens a window one is afraid to walk through, but as you enter, you will remove any obstruction to your freedom! Go ahead and leave fear behind. Rub 2-3 drops on the Chakra 1,2,3 & heart, or more drops directly to a symptom area. Personal Experience: This oil is even more magical than St Germain II, it allows me to remove any obstruction from Chakra 1 level to Heart Chakra. Long held blockages simply disappear. Amazing. Svetlana
  • Sandalwood, Santalum Album - India
    Sandalwood oil is distilled from the heartwood. It has a woody, balsamic aroma. It brings calmness, serenity and is associated with incense and meditation. Traditionally it is used as a tonic to support the heart, lymphatic & vein decongestant and disinfectant. Aid for emotional and spiritual processing and known to enhance meditation, heal the skin and reduce stress.   Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Scar Tissue

    Scar Tissue: St John's Wort, ArborVitae, Balsam Fir, Canadian Tsuga
    Don't hesitate to use on your old scars. St John's Wort and Arborvitae will attack the infection often stuck behind scars. Apply 3 to 5 drops directly on the scar or wound. Personal Experiences: "Your Scar Tissue oil makes a big difference in a scar I've carried since childhood." Marg "When I cut 2 fingers with a hedge trimmer, Lavender saved me. Three weeks later I had clean scars but lots of pain and weird nerve feelings. I then used Scar Tissue and within 24 hours, the pain was gone and no weird feelings." JD
  • Self Esteem

    Self Esteem: White Pine, Balsam Fir, Grapefruit, Jasmine
    This blend helps strengthen your sense of self and sense of well-being that promotes confidence in oneself. Use it when you feel low emotional by placing a few drops in the palm of your hands; rub your palms together and then take your open hands to brush your aura over your head and heart. Use it to boost your intention toward self-acceptance.
  • Self Love

    Self Love: Palmarosa, Rosewood, Geranium, Lavendula Vera, Canadian Tsuga, Black Spruce, Sandalwood, Bulgarian Rose
    The Self Love Essential Oil blend creates a calming, emotionally supportive environment, helping you release stress, boost self-compassion, and cultivate a sense of inner peace and love. Whether diffused, applied topically (with a carrier oil), or used during meditation, this blend is perfect for enhancing your self-care rituals.
    • Palmarosa: Known for its calming and mood-boosting properties, Palmarosa helps reduce anxiety and stress, encouraging feelings of self-acceptance.
    • Rosewood: This oil nurtures emotional balance and harmony, making it easier to let go of negative thoughts and embrace positivity.
    • Geranium: With its ability to promote emotional healing, Geranium helps release feelings of guilt or low self-worth, making space for compassion and self-love.
    • Lavendula Vera (True Lavender): A powerful relaxant, Lavender soothes both mind and body, reducing feelings of stress and encouraging inner peace and self-compassion.
    • Canadian Tsuga (Hemlock Spruce): Tsuga promotes grounding and stability, helping you feel more centered and in tune with your emotions.
    • Black Spruce: This grounding oil helps release past emotional blocks, inviting clarity, strength, and self-resilience.
    • Sandalwood: A deeply spiritual oil, Sandalwood fosters feelings of inner calm, love, and self-acceptance, perfect for meditation and reflection.
    Rub 2 or 3 drops on your heart, or anywhere in need of help.   Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.  
  • Blue Dragon: Blue Spruce, Verbena, Blue Chamomile Green Dragon: Rosewood, Howood, Blue Spruce, Oregano, Ravintsara, Bulgarian Rose Indigo Dragon: Lavendin , Ylang Ylang, Blue Spruce, Cypress Jasmine, Blue Chamomile, Tansy & Yarrow Orange Dragon: Orange, Petitgrain, Frankincense, Lime, Clove,  Cinnamon Red dragon: Cinnamon, Clove, Oregano, Thyme, Coriander White Dragon:White Spruce, Rosemary, White fir, C Tsuga, Eucalyptus, White angelica - beautiful black lacquered box included
  • Shake Out

    Shake Out: Borage, Black Spruce Massage daily 1-3 drops. Mikael also recommends to take 2 tablespoons of flax seed. You can also use Stress out and Balance.
  • Silver Dragon

    Silver Dragon: Camphor, C. Tansy, Spearmint, Silver The Silver Dragon is full of wisdom and it sits inside the ring, opposite the Gold Dragon. Apply 2 drops on 6th chakra
  • Sinus

    Sinus: Eucalyyptus, Ravintsara, Balsam Fir, Red Pine Niaouli, White Spruce
    Give instant relief to clear head and sinus. One of the BIG favorite as it allows your sinus to clear immediately and start breathing again! it can also stop a runny nose with minutes. Inhale the oil deeply; apply 1-3 drops to sinus; if it is too strong, rub on top of fingers and toes ( sinus reflex points). Personal Experiences: "I used to have a sinusitis every winter for years, until I came across Sinus from MZ 4 years ago. My French docor can't believe how fast it works. Now I can't live without my bottle. " Francoise "I have used the Sinus and Immune Up during the past week on my 23 month old granddaughter with a bad cold and high temperature. It seemed to help her recover from the worst part of the cold. She would come to me and ask me for be 'breathe' and 'mune'.  Catherine
  • Sleep Well

    Sleep Well: Mandarin, Orange, Canadian Tsuga, Lavender, Petitgrain, Chamomile
    For the ones experiencing difficulty sleeping. Inhale the oil deeply; put a drop on your pillowcase, handkerchief or piece of cotton. If you still can't sleep, or awake early morning, try to use Stress Out at night and Sleep Well when you wake up too early. Personal Experiences: "I had not slept in 3 weeks. With this oil, I slept like a log." John R
  • Out of stock

    Space Travel

    Space Travel: Anise, Black Spruce, White Spruce, Canadian Tsuga, Pine, Nard, Basil Verbena
    For those interested in the near future by star travel and its new possibilities. Good for physical or virtual space travel. Put 2 drops on hands and feet and brush your aura.
  • Spearmint, Mentha Spicata - Egypt
  • MY FAVORITE OILS a lovely box of 10x4ml =$230 Digestive- 2 drops under the tongue; put a drop in your juice or tea, or after heavy meal Turmeric- reduces inflammation. 2-3 drops/day Ginger- takes out the bad bacteria in the gut that causes many digestive issues 2-3 drops/day Lymph Node- Apply 3 drops around neck, or on top of the feet Candida- Apply on lower belly or on a pad. Can mix with oils Liver- Apply 1-3 drops on the liver area Thyrobalance- 2 drops on throat 1/day for 3 weeks. Stop for 2 weeks and start again Immune up- 2-3 drops/day on the wrists or stomach Adrenals- 2-4 drops/day on the adrenals for 2 to 3 months Virus out- 5 drops to wrists, stomach, lower back and solar plexus   – Beautiful Black Lacquered box included
  • MY FAVORITE OILS a lovely box of 6x4ml =$135 Digestive- 2 drops under the tongue; put a drop in your juice or tea, or after heavy meal Turmeric- reduces inflammation. 2-3 drops/day Liver- Apply 1-3 drops on the liver area Ginger- takes out the bad bacteria in the gut that causes many digestive issues 2-3 drops/day Adrenals- 2-4 drops/day on the adrenals for 2 to 3 months Virus out5 drops to wrists, stomach, lower back and solar plexus – Beautiful Black Lacquered box included
  • Spells Out

    Spells Out: Rosemary , Lemon, Clove, Cinnamon
    It protects and purifies your environment and provides a sense of safety. A favorite. Apply 2 - 4 drops on wrists and hands before giving a massage or a session. Personal Experience: "It not only protects me from unwanted vibrations, but also my space. Can't live without it!" Lana, Ukrainian Healer
  • Spinal Cleanse

    Spinal Cleanse: Black Spruce, St John's Wort, Arborvitae, peppermint, Ravintsara, Clove, Eucalyptus, Hovozo, Geranium
    Provides immediate relief. With the Black Spruce, it initiates a warming sensation, inducing relaxation in the spine. Known for its potent anti-inflammatory properties and its capacity to purify the spine of fungal and viral agents. Universally cherished by massage therapists.
    Apply 5-8 drops to the spine and massage into skin. Personal Experiences: "The Spinal Cleanse is fantastic!!! I have spinal discs that have been deteriorating for more than six years. I have used so many things to stop the pain, and different things have worked at different times, however the pain would return. Not with Spinal Cleanse -- I used it and I have yet to have any pain. I have been waiting for the pain to come back, but thanks to Mikael, it has not. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you." JK   Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
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