• Pine Gray, Pinus Banksiana, Jack, Siberian- Canada


    Pine Gray, Pinus Banksiana = Jack, Siberian-Cana

  • Joy


    Joy: Balsam Fir, Lemongrass, Rosewood

    Promotes joy and a sense of well being. Children love this oil, so simple and so beautiful. It smells SO good. Children’s favorite.

    Apply 1 to 2 drops over the heart.

    Personal Experience:Joy – Delightful and refreshing! Helps cheer me up when I’m feeling grumpy or gloomy.” WS


    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Chakra 2


    Chakra 2: Black Spruce, Ylang-Ylang, Geranium, Goldenrod, Clary Sage

    Utilization of creative forces into all aspects of being. High soul procreation. Direct self toward devotion.

    Related to pelvic, reproductive organs, ovaries, prostrate, testicles in the body.

    It can also be called Sacral chakra and is represented by the color Orange. It is located in the lower abdomen, below the navel.


    Apply 1-2 drops in your palms and rub them together. Place your hands in front of your face and inhale. Apply 1-2 drops to 2nd chakra.

    Safety- keep away from children, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.


  • Fearless II


    Fearless II: Canadian Tsuga, Nard

    To help go through difficult times. The Canadian Tsuga will help you transmute the fear into love. Also good in case of grief, sadness.

    Massage the feet with 4 drops and raise this energy up to the crown chakra. Or apply 2 drops to the solar plexus.


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Nard, Nardastachus Jatamansi – Nepal


    Nard, Nardastachus Jatamansi – Nepal

    Nard, sometimes known as SpikeNard, is native to northern India and Nepal and has been highly prized in the Middle East and Mediterranean regions since antiquity. It is mentioned in the Bible in the song of Solomon and in three gospels, we find the story of Mary Magdalena anointing Christ’s feet with Nard. Physically, the oil has an effect on the person as a whole. It is helpful for allergic skin reactions and all kinds of rashes. It rejuvenates and balances the skins Physiology. Nard is wonderful when dealing with tension and anxiety. It stimulates and supports the immune and nervous systems. Like Frankincense, Nard assist in letting go of fear and old emotional wounds. It is very good for chakra energy or auric massage and helps those who are nearing death in transition. Nard acts on the brain and helps regenerate mental functions wherever you lack concentration,

    Spiritually, Nard helps us realize that our life on earth is not separate from the true purpose of creation. It helps strengthen the alchemy between matter and spirit, symbolized by the cosmic serpent that links the beginning and the end of biting its tall. Nard reveals the secret path to the one who seeks intently with an open heart. The exceptional quality of its spiritual forces are expressed in this flower which comes directly from its roots It is a PRECIOUS OIL.

    Application: Put 2-3 drops on your heart chakra in the morning to connect you to your innerself or on each or on each foot to ground you or your clients.

  • Lavendula Vera, Angustifolia – France


    Lavendula Vera, Angustifolia or (English Lavender) – France

  • Frankincense, Boswellia Carteril – Somalia


    Frankincense, Boswellia Carteril – Somalia

    Associated with the highest spiritual aspirations, Frankincense, (in French, the real incense) is used to uplift and create a meditative state; it has the ability to deepen and slow the breath which helps bring body and mind into a meditative state. It was offered to the infant Christ by the magi in recognition of His divinity and it helps each of us to connect to that part of ourselves which is eternal and divine.

    Frankincense helps break ties with the past, especially where these block personal growth. When you feel inadequate or need to let go, take a bath to wash away any old ties or put it in burners so you get to know who you are and gain self confidence. Good for release and forgiveness, so you can pursue your journey of power.

    Application: Put 1 drop on your heart chakra or 1 on each ankle before going to bed. It blends well with Myrrh, Cinnamon, Orange and Nard.

  • Balsam Fir, Abies Balsamea – Canada


    Balsam Fir, Abies Balsamea – Canada

    This organic essential oil of Balsam fir from Canada is distilled from the needles of the tree.

    Medicinal Uses

    Both varieties of the species are very popular as Christmas trees, particularly in the northeastern United states. The resin is used to produce Canada balsam, and was traditionally used as a cold remedy and as a glue for glasses, optical instrument components, and for preparing permanent mounts of microscope specimens. The wood is milled for framing lumber, siding and pulped for paper manufacture. Balsam fir oil is an EPA approved nontoxic rodent repellent. The balsam fir is also used as an air freshener and as incense.

  • Tagetes, Glandulifera – Nepal


  • Protection


    Protection: Camphor, Canadian Tsuga, Coriander, Tarragon

    Good to protect your car, etc.

    Rub 2 drops in your hands and touch the car, etc.

    Personal Experience: “It was a big help with the latest hurricane. I put a drop on each window. A giant oak tree on the lake instead of my house.” AD

  • Ravintsara, Cinnamomum Camphora – Madagascar


    Ravintsara, Cinnamomum Camphora – Madagascar

  • Indigo dragon


     Lavendin , Ylang Ylang, Blue Spruce, Cypress, Jasmine, Blue Chamomile, Tansy & Yarrow

    Ylang-Ylang creates a feeling of peace and dispels anger.

    Apply 2 drop only to the 3rd eye.


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