• Saint Germain III


    Saint Germain III: Rosemary, Lavender, Bergamot, Juniper, Jasmine, Goldenrod, Myrtle, Sage, Helicrysum, Sandalwood, Camphor

    The added JASMINE removes mountains. It opens a window one is afraid to walk through, but as you enter, you will remove any obstruction to your freedom! Go ahead and leave fear behind.

    Rub 2-3 drops on the Chakra 1,2,3 & heart, or more drops directly to a symptom area.

    Personal Experience: This oil is even more magical than St Germain II, it allows me to remove any obstruction from Chakra 1 level to Heart Chakra. Long held blockages simply disappear. Amazing. Svetlana

  • Nard, Nardastachus Jatamansi – Nepal


    Nard, Nardastachus Jatamansi – Nepal

    Nard, sometimes known as SpikeNard, is native to northern India and Nepal and has been highly prized in the Middle East and Mediterranean regions since antiquity. It is mentioned in the Bible in the song of Solomon and in three gospels, we find the story of Mary Magdalena anointing Christ’s feet with Nard. Physically, the oil has an effect on the person as a whole. It is helpful for allergic skin reactions and all kinds of rashes. It rejuvenates and balances the skins Physiology. Nard is wonderful when dealing with tension and anxiety. It stimulates and supports the immune and nervous systems. Like Frankincense, Nard assist in letting go of fear and old emotional wounds. It is very good for chakra energy or auric massage and helps those who are nearing death in transition. Nard acts on the brain and helps regenerate mental functions wherever you lack concentration,

    Spiritually, Nard helps us realize that our life on earth is not separate from the true purpose of creation. It helps strengthen the alchemy between matter and spirit, symbolized by the cosmic serpent that links the beginning and the end of biting its tall. Nard reveals the secret path to the one who seeks intently with an open heart. The exceptional quality of its spiritual forces are expressed in this flower which comes directly from its roots It is a PRECIOUS OIL.

    Application: Put 2-3 drops on your heart chakra in the morning to connect you to your innerself or on each or on each foot to ground you or your clients.

  • Thymus (Blend)


    Thymus: Balsam Fir, Eucalyptus, Lemongrass, Black Spruce, Howood, Ylang-Ylang, Peppermint

    According to Archangel Michael, the Thymus is the energy portal of the Heart Chakra, where the light or energy emissions are experienced in their essence as Unconditional Love. (see article on our web page on Spiritual Endocrine System). The Thymus is a small gland located in the chest just under the breastbone. it is critically important in the body’s response to disease invasion. White blood cells originate in the bone marrow. About half of them go directly into the bloodstream and tissue fluids, but the rest of them must pass through the Thymus gland which is a central figure of the immune system because of its primary role in processing these white blood cells into Tlymphocytes.

  • Light of God


    Light of God: Verbena, lemongrass, Rosemary, Rosewood, Neroli

    Could be a blessing, or a protection. Neroli symbolizes purity.

    Put 2 to 3 drops in hands, rub them together, inhale blend deeply, brush all of aura, then touch your heart.

  • Mold Out


    MOLD OUT: Conifer, ArborVitae, VA Cedarwood

    If you come out of a catastrophic flood/ hurricane or if you want to fight mildew in your shower or under your sink, it is important to eliminate mold or even black mold, so your health is not at risk. IF there is water leakage in your basement, black mold could flourish. It also likes air conditioning system.

    the best is to diffuse or spray essential oils, as it will reach the mold spores.

    MOLD OUT , made of conifer blend –a natural antibiotics synergy—plus arborvitae, –called cedar by Native Americans–, and cedarwood. You will feel like walking into a forest after eliminating the musty or mildew odor.  This is our recommendation.

    But you could also use Clove,  Lavender, Cinnamon, Grapefuit seed Extract, Tea tree, Lemon or Orange and spray or diffuse for smaller or newer areas. A mold is a type of fungus that cannot be seen by the naked human  eye and spreads like wild fire in damp and humid environment. The spores float around in the air and can produce toxic toxins.

    Black Mold Symptoms are headaches, fever, eye irritation, sneezing, irritation to the mucuous membranes of the mouth, nose and throat, chronic coughing and fatigue and potentially nausea and vomiting.

    Ideally use a good diffuser so the mist of very tiny droplets of essential oils fights bacteria and fungus.

    2 to 4 times a day for 10 minutes will do wonder.

  • Myrtle, Myrtus Communis Cineolifera – Tunisa


    Myrtle, Myrtus Communis Cineolifera – Tunisa

  • Cedarwood, Atlas, Cedrus Atlantica – United States


    Cedarwood, Atlas, Cedrus Atlantica – United States

    100% pure and natural oil, distilled from the wings of the tree.

    Excellent for balancing fluids in the body especially fluid retention.

    It is a powerful essential oil, astringent and tonic, to be used diluted in a suitable vegetable oil (jojoba, coconut etc)

    Ideal when blended with white pine and black spruce.

  • Fennel Sweet, Fonneculum Vulgar – France


    Fennel Sweet, Fonneculum Vulgar – France

  • Petitgrain Bigarade, Citrus Aurantium — Paraguay


    Petitgrain Bigarade, Citrus Aurantium — Paraguay

  • Archangel Metatron


    Archangel Metatron: Red Pine, White Pine, Basil, Angelica, Cinnamon, Clove

    For Strength, Guidance and Inspiration, put 3 drops in your hands, rub them firmly for 30 seconds, then smell the aroma coming from your palms, and wipe your aura, or someone else to get rid of any negative influence. To purify a space or after a death, put five drops in each corner of the room starting from the East and ask Metatron to protect us and the space around us from any negative effects or entities.

    You can also rub 3-4 drops on lower back to bring strength, self confidence and trust as the angel watches over you.

    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Havozo, Ravintsara Anisata – Madagascar


    Havozo, Ravintsara Anisata – Madagascar

  • Spruce, White, Picea Glauca – Canada


    Spruce, White, Picea Glauca – Canada