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  • Clear

    Clear: Eucalyptus, Balsam Fir, Verbena
    Clear in Spray bottles can be purchased in: 1oz and 2oz sizes: Clear, Spray to order. Removes any issue, vibrations and odors. It allows you to function with all your power. It can clear anything from your mind, your house, etc. The favorite by far to diffuse at shows and exhibits. Apply a drop to 6th Chakra; put 1 to 3 drops in your hands, rub together, inhale the oil deeply, brush all of aura, then touch the ground with your hands. Personal Experiences: "I can't live without my bottle of Clear from Mikael. It vibrationally alters the etheric field of any debris to bring it into balance and harmony." Donna Smith "I must tell you that I personally, really love Clear. It takes me to levels in the morning that remain with me all day." Janis "This oil snaps my 8 year old out of nasty moods." Debra P. Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.   Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.  
  • Citrus Drink

    Citrus Drink or Summer Drink: Orange, Lemon, Tangerine, Mandarin, Grapefruit, lime, Combava
    This combination of citrus is superb. Good also to relax or slim down! So refreshing. Add to your drink 2-3 drops to an 8 oz glass for taste and enjoy! Excellent -- A healthy replacement for sodas.   Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Circulation

    Circulation: Red Pine, Cypress, Ecualyptus, Helicrysum, St Johns Wort
    To help circulate the blood, bring life again to cold hands and feet. Massage 3 to 5 drops into hands or feet.   Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Children of the Sun

    Children of the Sun (Rejoice): Eucalyptus, White Spruce, Lime, Lemongrass, Laurel, Cinnamon
    This blend is to get you out of the (Winter) Blues, because Spring is around the corner! Wonderful, joyful composition. Inhale deeply and apply 2 drops on your heart or thymus.   Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Childhood Trauma

    Childhood Trauma: Canadian Tsuga, Balsam Fir, Mandarin, St Johns Wort
    To remove old trauma that you might not even be aware of as an imprint or in the shadow of your experience. it helps remove them from your DNA. Apply 3 to 5 drops on wrists, back, feet or Third Chakra and massage them in. Repeat 2 to 3 times per day for 10 days.   Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Chakra 8

    Chakra 8: Lavendin Reydovan, Palmarosa, Canadian Tsuga, Cinnamon Bark
    The Soul Star Chakra is the energy of divine love, spiritual compassion, and spiritual selflessness. Apply 1-2 drops in your palms and rub them together. Place your hands in front of your face and inhale. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Chakra 7

    Chakra 7 (Crown): White Pine, Laurel, Frankincense
    Crown Chakra  is represented by the color Violet. Located at the top of the head, symbolizes spiritual enlightenment, divine wisdom, and a deep sense of connection to the universe. Personal identification with Infinite. Oneness with God, Peace and Wisdom. Apply 1-2 drops in your palms and rub them together. Place your hands in front of your face and inhale. Apply 1-2 drops to 7th chakra. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Pancreas

    Pancreas: Aniseed, Pines, Orange, Fennel, Cinnamon, Carrot
    A wonderful, delicious tasting blend that provides support for the pancreas that helps the body to regulate blood sugars levels. Use 1-2 drops on your tongue to mitigate your sugar cravings.
  • Chakra 6

    Chakra No. 6 (Third Eye): Balsam Fir, Peppermint, German Chamomile
    The Third Eye Chakra is represented by the color Indigo. Located in the center of the forehead, between the eyebrows, it is a  source of intuition and inner wisdom. The third eye chakra is clearing subconscious to channel intuition, deep understanding, see Divine Perfection in all things. Apply 1-3 drops to 3rd eye and visualize what you desire to manifest. Apply 1-2 drops in your palms and rub them together. Place your hands in front of your face and inhale Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Chakra 5

    Chakra No. 5 (Throat): Canadian Tsuga, Petitgrain, Clary Sage Balsam Fir
    Ability to verbalize. Expressing Truth through power of the spoken word. Associated with the throat, voice, neck, thyroid and para-thyroid. The Throat Chakra is represented by the color Blue. The Throat Chakra is located in your throat and is your ability to communicate and express yourself and how you feel. Getting to know yourself and your personal power. Apply 1-2 drops in your palms and rub them together. Place your hands in front of your face and inhale. Apply 1-2 drops to 5th chakra. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Chakra 4

    Chakra 4 (Heart): Lavendula Vera, Geranium, Bulgarian Rose
    Release emotional suppressed trauma. Soul/heart consciousness. Expressing love in action. Heart Chakra is represented by the color Green and it is located in the center of the chest above the heart. The Heart Chakra is our ability to love and show compassion, to love ourselves and others in balance. Related to Thoracic Cavity, Heart, Rib Cage, Lungs, Thymus   Apply 1-2 drops in your palms and rub them together. Place your hands in front of your face and inhale. Apply 1 drop to 4th chakra. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.  
  • Chakra 3

    Chakra No. 3 (Solar Plexus): Rosemary, Virginia Cedar, Spanish Marjoram, Basil
    Solar Plexus encompasses the abdominal cavity, navel, digestive organs and the spleen. This oil aids assimilation of ones experiences. Digestion at all levels The Solar Plexus Chakra is represented by the color Yellow and it is located in the upper abdomen in your stomach. The third chakra is about your passion, your power, your desire and your will; is how we value ourselves as well as how we think others value us. Apply 1-2 drops in your palms and rub them together. Place your hands in front of your face and inhale. Apply 1-2 drops to 3rd chakra. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Chakra 2

    Chakra 2: Black Spruce, Ylang-Ylang, Geranium, Goldenrod, Clary Sage
    Utilization of creative forces into all aspects of being. High soul procreation. Direct self toward devotion. Related to pelvic, reproductive organs, ovaries, prostrate, testicles in the body. It can also be called Sacral chakra and is represented by the color Orange. It is located in the lower abdomen, below the navel.   Apply 1-2 drops in your palms and rub them together. Place your hands in front of your face and inhale. Apply 1-2 drops to 2nd chakra. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.  
  • Chakra 1

    Chakra 1 (Base): Red Pine, Clove, Cinnamon
    Ground Spiritual forces in the body. Gain ability to work lovingly on the physical plane. The 1st chakra is also called root chakra and is represented by the color Red. It is located at the base of the spine in the area of the tail bone. Its symbol is the lotus with 4 petals. Apply 1-2 drops in your palms and rub them together. Place your hands in front of your face and inhale. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Calming

    Calming:  Lavendula Vera, Rosemary, Clary Sage, Basil
    Encourages calmness, quietude and peace. Also good for purifying the house and eliminating odors. Good for insomnia, hyperactivity. Apply 2 to 3 drops to wrists or Third eye or add 2 drops to a sheet or towel before putting in the dryer, it will smell like a lavender field! Good for diffusing. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • C-Free

    C-Free: Tamarak, Canadian Tsuga, Balsam Fir, Ravintsara, ArborVitae, Lavendin, Frankincense, Clove & St John's Wort
    To restore a state of freedom from disease. Apply generously on the needed area. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Buddha

    Buddha: Mandarine, Verbena, Jasmine
    Connecting and honoring the inner Buddha. It is very helpful to remind us of who we are and our true nature. It helps anchor the Beam of Oneness and Compassion. Budda comes in different ways as love, forgiveness, peace, harmony and serenity. Apply 2 drops to palm of your hands and inhale. Also, lovely to diffuse or use it as a perfume. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.  
  • Breathing

    Breathing: Eucalyptus, Balsam Fir, White Pine, Ravintsara, Rosemary
    It relaxes bronchial airways and stimulates breathing. Great for improving air quality in airplanes, cars, etc. Antibacterial, it can relieve the feeling of congestion, opens respiratory passages, and can help improving in asthmatics or respiratory weaknesses; it may accelerate the healing process of a lung condition. Inhale the blend and apply 2 to 3 drops to chest or diffuse it 10 minutes twice a day. Recommended in massage, diluted in a carrier oil.   Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.  
  • Blue Ray II

    Blue Ray II: Black and Blue Spruce, Lavender, Blue Chamomile, Angelica
    It goes from light blue to dark blue. Just smell it as it will radiate everywhere. Can also sweep unwanted energy. It calms and protects. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Beautifull

    Beautifull: Grapefruit, Mandarin, Lemon, Anise, Fennel, Cinnamon, Peppermint
    To reduce fat and replace it with beauty! Grapefruit reduces the fat; Fennel and Aniseed helps the digestion; Peppermint curbs the appetite. Before eating, add 1-2 drops in a glass of water. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Beam of Light

    Beam of Light: Rosewood, Laurel, Lemongrass, Lime, Camphor
    This blend awakens the center of the cerebellum and brings joy and clarity to all mental processes. It reduces the separation between dimensions so we may be more aware of the truth through our third eye; Uplifting your spirit, empowers you and brings peace and strength to the soul. Apply 2 to 3 drops to the palm of your hand then inhale deeply for a few minutes; You can also wear it on you to feel all its benefits. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Balance

    Balance our energy to flow with ease and power through us. Promotes confidence, energy and well being. Apply 4-8 drops to base spine and massage it.   Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Aura Booster

    Aura Booster: Rosemary, Frankincense, Lemon, Clary Sage, Lemongrass, Juniper, Eucalyptus, Camphor, Myrrh, Cinnamon
    Rosemary enhances cleansing. This blends stimulates the plasma expansion of the aura, allowing it to double in size. Thus your presence will be seen by humans and Beings of Light. Helps you when you have an important meeting. Reduces considerably psychic or physical attacks. Spray all of your aura. Or pour a few drops in your hands, inhale then brush your aura. Put a few drops in your hands, inhale, then brush the aura with it. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Arthritix

    Arthritix: Eucalyptus Citriodora, Balsam Fir, Black Spruce, Wintergreen, Arborvitae, St. John's Wort
    Use to ease joint pain. Eucalyptus Citriodora is known to reduce inflammation. Apply 2 to 3 drops where needed and massage into stiff area. Personal Experiences: "I have chronic joint pain, especially the feet and this oil helps me a lot. Even my dog gets relief!" RT Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Archangel Uriel

    Archangel Uriel: Orange, Petitgrain, Rosewood, Lavender, Cinnamon
    A Bridge to the Light of God by Mikael Zayat This 4th Archangel oil is inspired by and dedicated to Archangel Uriel. He helps us connect with the "Light of God" within us. He sheds light to see our path more clearly with love, wisdom and compassion for us and around us. Uriel means God is my Light, or Fire of God. Light means understanding and fire means purifying. Uriel teaches us to open our heart to pure love, which is the real alchemy. Apply a drop or two on your crown chakra, to help you feel the connection between your inner self and the Sacred Spirit of Love and Light. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Archangel Raphael

    Archangel Raphael: Rosemary, Laurel, Clary Sage, White Angelica, Hyssop
    He is the shining light, the one who heals. To support the healing process as Raphael is the absolute healer. Under Archangel Raphael's wings, by Mikael Zayat In Hebrew, Raphael means "God has healed". Other sources say that the name Raphael signifies, "Shining Being who heals". Archangel Raphael is credited with healing the earth and its inhabitants indeed, but he is also associated with the planet Mercury and the Egyptian Hermes who brought Sacred Geometry and Alchemy to mankind Our lives are now more challenging than ever, which means that we have to go through more healing movement than ever. The alchemy of transformation takes place inside of us at the moment when we can bring the light of God in our soul, when we can bring more of pure love into matter. That is Alchemy in its most spiritual sense. If you are going through a difficult period of change, invoke the name of Raphael without hesitation. If beauty, health and fitness are your concerns, you can be supported by the force of Raphael. under his loving wings, you will powerfully feel how much your body is holy. If your body is in pain, call upon Raphael's wisdom to help you create the alchemical bridge between your mind, body and spirit. In old days, singles used to invoke him to meet their spiritual companion. And I am sure it is relevant today too. I just created a blend with Rosemary, Laurel, Clary Sage, White Angelica and Hyssop that calls forth the healing light of Archangel Raphael. May his shining light assist you in the alchemy of transformation and help you achieve the sacred union of male and female energies of spirit into matter, of heaven on earth. Apply a few drops on your heart chakra. Take a few minutes to absorb the healing energy of Raphael. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Archangel Michael

    Archangel Michael: Petitgrain, Balsam Fir, Angelica, Jasmine, Neroli
    Archangel Michael uses the energy of the dragon to arrive to the heart and help shift from the 3rd dimension "I love you, if" to 4th dimension, "I love you even, if". The key oil of this blend is White Angelica, Angelica archangelica, that helps to make the user more open to angelic energies. Using a sword of Light, the Archangel Mikael slices the bonds of fear, and it gives us the courage and strength to bring changes into our lives. Call on the Archangel Michael when you need protection, motivation, lucidity and courage. Apply 1 drop on your heart chakra and think of all the beautiful things you are grateful for. Also good for the nervous system put a drop on the line at base of foot, just below eyes and ear points=below 2nd to 4th toes. See reflexiology maps for more specifics. Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.   Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Archangel Metatron

    Archangel Metatron: Red Pine, White Pine, Basil, Angelica, Cinnamon, Clove For Strength, Guidance and Inspiration, put 3 drops in your hands, rub them firmly for 30 seconds, then smell the aroma coming from your palms, and wipe your aura, or someone else to get rid of any negative influence. To purify a space or after a death, put five drops in each corner of the room starting from the East and ask Metatron to protect us and the space around us from any negative effects or entities. You can also rub 3-4 drops on lower back to bring strength, self confidence and trust as the angel watches over you. Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Archangel Gabriel

    Archangel Gabriel: Lavender, Rosemary, Orange, Black Spruce, Bulgarian Rose
    The Archangel who announces the Good News! Lavender brings the spirit of truth and justice; rosemary helps men integrate their feminine side; the orange is the symbol of the sun that rises every day in the East and gives us a direction; the black spruce gives us the strength to manifest our inner power; the Bulgarian rose helps us to stay connected to the universal and inner Divine presence. Rub your hands together with 2 drops and apply them on your forehead to receive the message of love from the Divine.   Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Archangel Chamuel

    Archangel Chamuel: Orange, Petitgrain, Laurel, Bulgarian Rose, Neroli
    Angel of Consciousness We are in the hour of great opportunity to make things right and to spread Freedom and its glorious effects across the face of the planet into the consciousness of mankind. Rub 2-3 drops in the palm of your hands. Inhale deeply. Then brush your aura with it. Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Out of stock


    Appreciation: Bergamot, Geranium, Rosewood, Bulgarian Rose and Jasmine
    Apply 2-3 drops on Heart Chakra or Thymus.
  • Anxiety Out

    Anxiety Out: St John's Wort, Rosewood, Canadian Tsuga, Clary Sage
    Helps release fears, nervousness, and feelings of apprehension by promoting relaxation and balancing the body. Apply two drops to 3rd Chakra (two inches above the Navel). Disclamer: The information on this website is provided for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or medical condition.  
  • Anger Out

    Anger Out:  Virginia Cedar, Lavendin, Clary Sage, Balsam Fir
    This special blend will soothe your emotional body, resulting in the release of negative emotions, whether conscious or unconscious! Apply two drops to Third Chakra (two inches above the Navel). Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Angels of Light

    Angels of Light: Anise Star, Fennel, Angelica, Jasmine, ArborVitae
    To connect with the Angels of Light. "A wonderful high vibration oil of the Highest Angelic Realm which connects the user to the pure energy of light and love as they are always being beamed to the Earth in hopes that this oil will reconnect the user to these angelic vibrations. The oil brings them remembrance and knowledge of their own divine plan and purpose as well as their own high Angelic Frequencies which they carry at their soul level" Djwhal Khul Put a few drops in the palm of your hands, rub them and brush your body from top of the head to your feet and touch the ground. Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.   Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Amaterasu

    Amaterasu: Lemongrass, Rosewood, Rosemary, Balsam Fir, Eucalyptus, Goldenrod, Jasmine
    Japanese: Great Divinity Illuminating Heaven. Amaterasu Omi-Kami is a gentle harmonizing presence and she blesses everybody indiscriminately with serene light. She is the one who brought great harmony to heaven and earth. Our ancestors lived with awe and respect toward the Kami. Shinto, the indigenous religion of Japan, is based on these concepts of Kami. Their multitude is expressed by the number eight million. The basis of Shinto faith is the consciousness that nature and human beings are united firmly through the Kami and this is expressed in the ritual forms of worshipping the Kami. Brings joy, grounds you and helps stay in trust because even after harsh times, Divine light and Sun always come back. Helps breathing and sun absorption. --Apply 2 drops to the hands, rub them together and feel the heat, clap them twice and take this energy to your heart to feel the connection with the universal light. Personal Experiences: "It is working on my oily skin. Amaterasu shifted the quality of my own being." Elena, Zira Yoga "My favorite --I use it as a perfume!" MBA Safety: keep away from children. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.  
  • Allergy

    Allergy: Rosemary, Peppermint, Balsam Fir, Goldenrod
    This will help you breathe better and when used in combination with Immune Up, it will strengthen your resistance. Inhale the blend deeply; apply 2-3 drops to your wrists, and/or diffuse in home or office. Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.   Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
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    Space Travel

    Space Travel: Anise, Black Spruce, White Spruce, Canadian Tsuga, Pine, Nard, Basil Verbena
    For those interested in the near future by star travel and its new possibilities. Good for physical or virtual space travel. Put 2 drops on hands and feet and brush your aura.
  • Out of stock


    Alchemist: Verbena, Petitgrain, Lavender, Rosewood, Neroli, Tsuga, Frankincense, Lemongrass prepared with Gold Leaf and Herkimer gemstones
    To transform our world into a paradise where we co-create the Earth we want to live in. Inhale then add 2 drops to what you visualize for your future, be it a drawing, or your hands or brain. Add passion to it. Safety: keep away from children. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Adrenals

    Adrenals: Blue Spruce, Canadian Tsuga, Larch Symptoms of overworked adrenals are: bad digestion, stress, dizziness, water retentions, hand and foot swelling, and difficulty walking up stairs without getting out of breath. This blend feeds the adrenal glands, help raise energy level and can even decrease an overactive appetite. Apply 2-3 drops to adrenal glands (on the back just above the waist) and the soles of the feet. Safety: keep away from children. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Agape

    Agape: White Pine, Canadian Tsuga, Rosemary, Basil, Frankincense, Bulgarian Rose, White Angelic, Tuberose
    To transcend physical Attraction into Universal Love. Apply 3 drops on your heart. Safety: keep away from children. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • 8th Dimension: Lemon Eucalyptus, White Spruce, Rosewood, Larch, Thymes, Frankincense, Goldenrod
    This blend will free us from fear so we can stop controlling our life and open our heart, so we learn to trust. It awakens the feminine in all of us, men and women, by opening our compassionate heart and feel that we are all one with the universe. Put 2 or 3 drops in your hands. Rub them. Inhale the blend and brush your auric field. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • 5D-Shift

    5D-Shift: Laurel, Lavendin, Balsam Fir, Angelica
    To help raise the consciousness and reach our highest potential. To assist with the ascending flow of energy and bring joy. Rub 3 drops under the feet, then 2 drops touching Chakra No. 3, 4, 6 and 7. Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Ticks out

    Clove,  Vetiver, Oregano, Ylang-Ylang, Lemon
  • Take it Easy

    Take it Easy: Marjoram, Aniseed, Rosemary, Peppermint, Petitgrain  Helps to regain low self-esteem when needed. Apply 1-2 drops on mustache or under nose. Also, drink lots of water.
  • Sunshine

    SUNSHINE: Orange, Lemongrass, Black Spruce, Laurel, Marigold, Neroli Good to bring sunshine in and combat depression. Orange is the symbol of the sun that everyday rises in the East and helps us find our direction. Black Spruce gives vital force to the spine. Lemongrass helps us move beyond our  limiting beliefs. Laurel  is highly anti fear; helps manifest courage and heroism; it helps us helps raise consciousness and liberates us from old trauma. Marigold, a sunny Egyptian flower shines the sun in the brain. Amber dissolves negativity. 1 drop on heart and Chakra 7; Rub in.
  • Shake Out

    Shake Out: Borage, Black Spruce Massage daily 1-3 drops. Mikael also recommends to take 2 tablespoons of flax seed. You can also use Stress out and Balance.
  • Mold Out

    MOLD OUT: Conifer, ArborVitae, VA Cedarwood If you come out of a catastrophic flood/ hurricane or if you want to fight mildew in your shower or under your sink, it is important to eliminate mold or even black mold, so your health is not at risk. IF there is water leakage in your basement, black mold could flourish. It also likes air conditioning system. the best is to diffuse or spray essential oils, as it will reach the mold spores. MOLD OUT , made of conifer blend –a natural antibiotics synergy—plus arborvitae, --called cedar by Native Americans--, and cedarwood. You will feel like walking into a forest after eliminating the musty or mildew odor.  This is our recommendation. But you could also use Clove,  Lavender, Cinnamon, Grapefuit seed Extract, Tea tree, Lemon or Orange and spray or diffuse for smaller or newer areas. A mold is a type of fungus that cannot be seen by the naked human  eye and spreads like wild fire in damp and humid environment. The spores float around in the air and can produce toxic toxins. Black Mold Symptoms are headaches, fever, eye irritation, sneezing, irritation to the mucuous membranes of the mouth, nose and throat, chronic coughing and fatigue and potentially nausea and vomiting. Ideally use a good diffuser so the mist of very tiny droplets of essential oils fights bacteria and fungus. 2 to 4 times a day for 10 minutes will do wonder.
  • Menopause

    Black Spruce, Clary Sage, Godenrod, Aniseed, Hovozo
  • Let BE

    Let BE: Bergamot, Petitgrain, Verbena, Neroli, Jasmine, Frankincense, Cinnamon Once we surrender, the ultimate spiritual journey for every soul is embracing the boundless serenity and freedom found in simply being, in a state of profound understanding and acceptance of our true essence. So LET BE, Let everything be as it is.   Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Candida

    Candida: Balsam fir, Ravintsara, St. John Wort, Laurel, Arborvitae, Geranium Apply on lower belly and massage it. NOT for internal use. Safety- keep away from children, heat and light. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Abundance

    Abundance: Orange, Rosewood, Mandarin, Frankincense, Cinnamon One of our most popular blends as it attracts prosperity and joy. --- Apply 1 drop to hands, rub them together and then touch what you want to prosper: money, bills, check book, a contract etc. Good to diffuse, too. Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.
  • Ylang-Ylang, Cananga Odorata - Madagascar
  • Yarrow Blue, Achillea Millefolium - Canada
  • Wintergreen, Gauitheria Fragrantissima - USA
  • Verbena Exotica, Litsea Cubeta - Vietnam
  • Turmeric -  Curcuma Longa - India
  • Thyme, Thymus v. Thymol - France
  • Thyme, Thymus Vulgaris Linalol - France
  • Tea Tree, Melaleuca Alternifolia - Australia
  • Tarragon, Artemisia Dracunculus - France
  • Tansy, Common Tanacetum Vulgare - Canada
  • Tangerine, Citrus Reticulate - Italy
  • St John Wort,* Hypericum Perforatum - Canada Macera
  • Spruce, White, Picea Glauca - Canada
  • Blue Spruce

    Spruce, Blue, Picea Pungens - Canada
  • Spruce, Black, Picea Mariana - Canada Black spruce is produced by the distillation of the needles of this conifer and the oil can be diffused to strengthen the immune system. To revitalize and energize the whole body, apply 3-4 drops on the lower back (near the waist) and massage it for 1 to 2 minutes.
  • Spearmint, Mentha Spicata - Egypt
  • Sage, Officinalis, Salvia Officinalis - Slovenia
  • Sage, Clary, Salvia Sclarea -- Slovania
  • Rosewood, Aniba Rosaeodora - Peru
  • Rosemary, Rosmarinus Officinalis -- France
  • Ravintsara, Cinnamomum Camphora - Madagascar
  • Pine, White, Pinus Strobus - Canada
  • Pine, Red, Pinus Resinosa - Canada
  • Pine Gray, Pinus Banksiana = Jack, Siberian-Cana
  • Petitgrain Bigarade, Citrus Aurantium -- Paraguay
  • Patchouli, Pogosteman Cablin - Indonesia
  • Parsley, PetroselinumSativum - Morocco
  • Palmarosa, Cymbopogon Martini - Madagascar
  • Oregano, Origanum Compactum - Morocco
  • Orange, Sweet, Citrus Sinensis -- Brazil
  • Nutmeg Myristica Fragrans - Indonesia
  • Niaouli, Melaleca Quinquenervia Cin - Australia
  • Myrtle, Myrtus Communis Cineolifera - Tunisa
  • Marjoram, Oreganum Majorama - Egypt
  • Marjoram, Spanish, Thymus Mastichina Cin - Spain
  • Mandarin, Citrus Reticulate - Italy
  • Lime, Citrus Limetta - Peru
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