• Pine, Red, Pinus Resinosa – Canada


    Pine, Red, Pinus Resinosa – Canada

  • Pine Gray, Pinus Banksiana, Jack, Siberian- Canada


    Pine Gray, Pinus Banksiana = Jack, Siberian-Cana

  • Petitgrain Bigarade, Citrus Aurantium — Paraguay


    Petitgrain Bigarade, Citrus Aurantium — Paraguay

  • Pet Force Supplement


    A Daily Pet Supplement for Cats and Dogs

    At Miakota, we know that your best friends deserve the best. For the first time ever, there are now quantum, interdimensional supplements and pharmaceuticals that many humans put into their bodies these days! PetForce Z represents the same high quality and nano technology that’s available in the products we supply for human beings. It’s true, with depleted soils and so many toxins in our air, water, and food, even human beings have a difficult time getting the kind of nutrition that’s offered in PetForce Z. This truly “space age” supplement represents the best nutritional technology on Planet Earth today.

    This “Nutritional Technology which focuses on four basic requirements:

    1. Contains complete organic nutrition with every mineral, trace element, amino acid, and enzyme that your pet’s body requires in order to maintain health, youth, and vigor, and heal a wide range of pathological conditions and symptoms of aging. These nutrients are absolutely pure, natural, organic __ totally free of toxic chemicals or man-made molecules of any kind.
    2. Complete cellular absorption. It’s easily absorbed by your pet’s digestive system, but once in the bloodstream, it enters into each and every cell, delivering all those life-giving nutrients right where they’re most needed.
    3. Quantum Life Force energy. It’s prepared with a proprietary quantum-physical technology that actually captures life energy from the source and brings it directly to your pet’s genetic material. Your pet’s DNA and RNA are literally re-directly to your pet’s genetic material. Your pet’s DNA and RNA are literally revitalized with youthful vigor and the power to heal.
    4. Removal of toxins. The Super-Safe PQE Zeolite contained in PetForce Z assures that your pet will never suffer the many symptoms that mimic old age but really reflect heavy metals and assures that your pet will never suffer the many symptoms that mimic old age but really reflect heavy metals and toxins in the system. Your pet will enjoy its long life in a state of super health and vibrant aliveness.

    What Goes into PetForce Z?

    PetForce Z begins with ancient vegetal deposits laid down millions of years ago, when the forests of Earth were pure and overflowing with all the building blocks of life. Over the eras of geological time, this primeval living matter went through a fermentation process that actually ‘packaged’ this life energy in a series of humic compounds that have kept the aliveness intact. These rich deposits reside in our Earth now. They are God’s magical gift of life and healing, just waiting for us to open the package. And while some manufacturers use harsh procedures and toxic chemicals to ‘blast’ open this package, thereby destroying precious life within, PetForce Z, delivers these magical nutrients and healing compounds to your pet with all the Life Force energy intact. It also contains Sper-Safe PQE Zeolite __ a compound originally created by volcanic action — primordial conditions where the components of  life itself were first formed. This product contains the only guaranteed pure zeolite on the market today that’s been evaluated and approved by the FDA as safe. Zeolite pulls toxins and heavy metals out of your pet’s cells, allowing the body system to function at peak efficiency. Finally, PetForce Z contains all the specific additional elements needed by cats and dogs that are different from those required in human nutrition.

    Why Pets Need PetForce Z?

    If you love pets enough to be with them a long, happy & healthy life, with brighter eyes and shinier coats, then PetForce Z is an indispensable addition to their diet and if your pet is aging or ailing, you can use it in therapeutic, quantities and watch the symptoms disappear. It has even been known to heal serious illnesses like cancer. Oh, and one more thing! This precious liquid tastes as though it came from a clear, bubbling spring. You can add it to your pet’s food or water and they won’t even notice it’s there.

    Use 1-3 drops per day.

  • Peppermint, Mentha Piperita — Canada


  • Peace


    PEACE: Tangerine, Mandarin, Orange, Goldenrod, Marjoram, Canadian Tsuga

    This oil hits all of the high notes when it comes to evoking a sense of inner peace and calm abiding.

    We love it when this oil returns to our inventory. Smelling this essence reminds us that peace is always present.

    Place a few drops in the palm of your hands, rub your hands together, sniff and then brush your hands through your aura!

    Alternately, place a drop on your heart or one the edges of each shoulder as a way of dressing yourself in the radiance of peace.

  • Patchouli, Pogosteman Cablin – Indonesia


    Patchouli, Pogosteman Cablin – Indonesia

  • Parsley, PetroselinumSativum – Morocco


    Parsley, PetroselinumSativum – Morocco

  • Parasites II


    Parasites II: Balsam Fir, Eucalyptus, Cinnamon, Clove, Myrtle, Laurel, Oregano

    Take 1 drop ONLY internally twice a day with 8oz of warm water for 2 to 3 weeks, or add to a teaspoon of honey.

    Personal Experiences:I love your Parasites Out, it gives me so much energy.” Massage therapist in Ojai

    Parasites manifest now and then underneath my breast. In 1-3 days, they disappear practically overnight.” BA

  • Pancreas


    Pancreas: Aniseed, Pines, Orange, Fennel, Cinnamon, Carrot

    A wonderful, delicious tasting blend that provides support for the pancreas that helps the body to regulate blood sugars levels.

    Use 1-2 drops on your tongue to mitigate your sugar cravings.

  • Palmarosa, Cymbopogon Martini – Madagascar


    Palmarosa, Cymbopogon Martini – Madagascar

  • Pain Ease


    Pain Ease: Balsam Fir, St John’s Wort, Lemon Eucalyptus, Wintergreen, Blue Spruce, Arborvitae

    It cultivates a profound sense of well-being by promptly alleviating various forms of discomfort. Widely favored for its efficient efficacy.

    Apply 5 to 7 drops and gently massage into the skin.


    Personal Experience: “Pain Ease is instant relief and one of my favorites. Thanks for such great products.” Jody D

    “I have fibromyalgia, and my friend used the Pain Ease blend on me. She put a drop on my shoulder, then mixed some with a carrier oil and massaged. Immediate results and 10 days later, still no pain!” Karen

    “We all drove back to Louisville, using Pain Ease, Joy and Abundance. We all were pain free and laughing our heads off in ‘Abundant – Joy’ Thank you for the best laugh I’ve had in years! Your oils are truly a gift from God.” AMM


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.



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