• Amber, Tunisia


    Amber, Tunisia. Oil of Amber is a transparent, yellow oil, procured from succinic acid (spirit of amber) by increasing the heating temperature. It was produced by repeated distillation. It is very fluid and penetrative and was once used as an antihysteric and emmenagogue. [wikipedia]

    Historic medicinal uses

    Amber has long been used in folk medicine for its purported healing properties.[42] Amber and extracts were used from the time of Hippocrates in ancient Greece for a wide variety of treatments through the Middle Ages and up until the early twentieth century.[citation needed]

    Scent of amber and amber perfumery

    In ancient China it was customary to burn amber during large festivities. If amber is heated under the right conditions, oil of amber is produced, and in past times this was combined carefully with nitric acid to create “artificial musk” – a resin with a peculiar musky odor.[43] Although when burned, amber does give off a characteristic “pinewood” fragrance, modern products, such as perfume, do not normally use actual amber. This is due to the fact that fossilized amber produces very little scent. In perfumery, scents referred to as “amber” are often created and patented[44][45] to emulate the opulent golden warmth of the fossil.[46] The modern name for amber is thought to come from the Arabic word, ambar, meaning ambergris.[13] Ambergris is the waxy aromatic substance created in the intestines of sperm whales and was used in making perfumes both in ancient times as well as modern. The scent of amber was originally derived from emulating the scent of ambergris and/or labdanum but due to the endangered status of the sperm whale the scent of amber is now largely derived from labdanum.[47] The term “amber” is loosely used to describe a scent that is warm, musky, rich and honey-like, and also somewhat oriental and earthy. It can be synthetically created or derived from natural resins. When derived from natural resins it is most often created out of labdanum. Benzoin is usually part of the recipe. Vanilla and cloves are sometimes used to enhance the aroma.

    “Amber” perfumes may be created using combinations of labdanum, benzoin resin, copal (itself a type of tree resin used in incense manufacture), vanilla, Dammara resin and/or synthetic materials.[43]

  • Archangel Chamuel


    Archangel Chamuel: Orange, Petitgrain, Laurel, Bulgarian Rose, Neroli

    Angel of Consciousness

    We are in the hour of great opportunity to make things right and to spread Freedom and its glorious effects across the face of the planet into the consciousness of mankind.

    Rub 2-3 drops in the palm of your hands. Inhale deeply. Then brush your aura with it.

    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Light of God ~ StonAroma 10ml


    Light of God ~ StonAroma

    Light of God blend with Topaz, Opal & Rhodocrosite in a 10ml cobalt blue bottle.

    Could be a blessing, or a protection. Neroli symbolizes purity.

    Put 2 to 3 drops in hands, rub them together, inhale blend deeply, brush all of aura, then touch your heart.

  • Archangel Uriel


    Archangel Uriel: Orange, Petitgrain, Rosewood, Lavender, Cinnamon

    A Bridge to the Light of God by Mikael Zayat

    This 4th Archangel oil is inspired by and dedicated to Archangel Uriel. He helps us connect with the “Light of God” within us. He sheds light to see our path more clearly with love, wisdom and compassion for us and around us. Uriel means God is my Light, or Fire of God. Light means understanding and fire means purifying. Uriel teaches us to open our heart to pure love, which is the real alchemy.

    Apply a drop or two on your crown chakra, to help you feel the connection between your inner self and the Sacred Spirit of Love and Light.

    Safety- keep away from children, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • 5D-Shift


    5D-Shift: Laurel, Lavendin, Balsam Fir, Angelica

    To help raise the consciousness and reach our highest potential. To assist with the ascending flow of energy and bring joy.

    Rub 3 drops under the feet, then 2 drops touching Chakra No. 3, 4, 6 and 7.

    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Violet Flame


    Violet Flame: Balsam Fir, Red Pine, Rosemary, Eucalyptus, lemongrass, peppermint

    It goes to 2nd chakra, then open and harmonizes the 7th. It helps express consciousness of I AM in this life.

    Rub 2 drops in your hands, then place the palm of your right hand on the forehead.

  • Isis


    Isis: Cypress, Geranium, Black Spruce, Tagetes, Goldenrod, Bulgarian Rose, Jasmine

    Isis is the most famous Egyptian Goddess. Her fame comes from the legend of Osiris who is the God of the invisible world. Being his wife and his sister, she became pregnant after his death and gave birth to their son Horus who is considered the first human being. She is often represented as a woman with two horns with the sun in the middle to connect with sun spirit inside. It is important to understand that the sun in Native American, Semetic and Arabic traditions is considered a feminine energy.

    This blend will awaken our spirituality, deploy our golden wings and raise our spirit which allows us to see things from a higher perspective giving us a different comprehension of what happens to us.

    This blend is created especially to call the spirit of Isis. It is made of 7 pure and natural essential oils: Geranium, Cypress, Black Spruce, Tagete, Golden rod, Bulgarian Rose, Jasmine

    Here are their spiritual properties.

    Geranium helps balance feminine mood swings while Cypress is to stay in balance when there is turmoil. Black Spruce is like a mast of the ship which holds the sails up and gives vital force to the spine. It also links us to our ancestors. Tagetes this sunny Egyptian flower adds a very deep and warm fragrance to the blend and shines the sun in the brain. The Goldenrod, Bulgarian Rose and Jasmine all work on the heart chakra balancing the emotion and helping the user to open his heart without fear.

    Put 3 drops in your hand, wipe them together and open your arms like a wing to receive and give love energy.


    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Cinnamon Cassia -organic- China


    It is indicated in case of intense fatigue, feeling of isolation or failure.

    This oil is a dermal irritant, dermal sensitizer and a mucus membrane irritant; it is recommended to be diluted it in any vegetable oil (argan, jojoba, coconut) before applying it on the skin.

  • Gift Set 2(Frankincense/Myrrh/Joy)

    Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $71.00.

    10% Off

    Frankincense, Boswellia Carteril – Somalia
    Myrrh, Commiphora Molmol – Somalia
    Joy: Balsam Fir, Lemongrass, Rosewood


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Candida


    Candida: Balsam fir, Ravintsara, St. John Wort, Laurel, Arborvitae, Geranium

    Apply on lower belly and massage it. NOT for internal use.

    Safety- keep away from children, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Larch, Larix Laricina – Canada


    Larch, Larix Laricina – Canada

  • Adrenals


    Adrenals: Blue Spruce, Canadian Tsuga, Larch

    Symptoms of overworked adrenals are: bad digestion, stress, dizziness, water retentions, hand and foot swelling, and difficulty walking up stairs without getting out of breath. This blend feeds the adrenal glands, help raise energy level and can even decrease an overactive appetite.

    Apply 2-3 drops to adrenal glands (on the back just above the waist) and the soles of the feet.

    Safety: keep away from children.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.


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