• White Dragon


    White Spruce, Rosemary, White fir, C Tsuga, Eucalyptus, White angelica 

    The White Dragon represents all the other 11 colors combined, thus she is the 12th Dragon and sits at the 12 position in the Faerie ring.  She is the most Experienced and has Mastered all of the other levels of the Dragon Realm. She is humble, and doesn’t think herself any higher than the others, yet she has all the Experience and Mastery of the other Dragons combined.  She is Motherly in Nature.  Some say she is Mother Nature and she creates Magick with the other Dragons as well as the Faeries, and the Elementals, for the good of ONE.

    Apply 2 drops on your crown chakra

    Testimonials: “The White Dragon reminds me of the forest.  It’s ONEderful!” DL

    “My neck realigned itself immediately.” JR

  • Pink (Quantum) Love Dragon


    Blue Spruce, Palmarosa, Jasmine, Frankincense,  Bulgarian Rose, Myrrh, Nard, Cinnamon Bark

    The combination of the 12 dragons creates the 13th one.

    Blue Spruce has higher vibration than the rose; Nard helps attain a sacred space within + deep Inner Peace.

    Rub 2 to 3 drops to your heart and smile.

  • Pituitary ~ StonAroma 10ml


    Pituitary ~ StonAroma

    Pituitary blend with Quartz crystal & Light Aquamarine

    Archangel Michael calls it the key to balance. “When our right and left brain hemispheres are equally balanced, our spiritual brain centers, our pituitary, pineal, hypothalamus glands and the ganglionic centers at the base of the brain are activated. When these centers function at full capacity, our center of enlightenment, our Crown Chakra, is open to full breadth, which connects us with all of the various aspects of our multidimensional God Self. In this balanced state, our power is always embraced with love and reverence for life, and our gift of free will is used properly.” Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

  • Children of the Sun


    Children of the Sun (Rejoice): Eucalyptus, White Spruce, Lime, Lemongrass, Laurel, Cinnamon

    This blend is to get you out of the (Winter) Blues, because Spring is around the corner! Wonderful, joyful composition.

    Inhale deeply and apply 2 drops on your heart or thymus.


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Myrtle, Myrtus Communis Cineolifera – Tunisa


    Myrtle, Myrtus Communis Cineolifera – Tunisa

  • Saint Germain III


    Saint Germain III: Rosemary, Lavender, Bergamot, Juniper, Jasmine, Goldenrod, Myrtle, Sage, Helicrysum, Sandalwood, Camphor

    The added JASMINE removes mountains. It opens a window one is afraid to walk through, but as you enter, you will remove any obstruction to your freedom! Go ahead and leave fear behind.

    Rub 2-3 drops on the Chakra 1,2,3 & heart, or more drops directly to a symptom area.

    Personal Experience: This oil is even more magical than St Germain II, it allows me to remove any obstruction from Chakra 1 level to Heart Chakra. Long held blockages simply disappear. Amazing. Svetlana

  • Nard, Nardastachus Jatamansi – Nepal


    Nard, Nardastachus Jatamansi – Nepal

    Nard, sometimes known as SpikeNard, is native to northern India and Nepal and has been highly prized in the Middle East and Mediterranean regions since antiquity. It is mentioned in the Bible in the song of Solomon and in three gospels, we find the story of Mary Magdalena anointing Christ’s feet with Nard. Physically, the oil has an effect on the person as a whole. It is helpful for allergic skin reactions and all kinds of rashes. It rejuvenates and balances the skins Physiology. Nard is wonderful when dealing with tension and anxiety. It stimulates and supports the immune and nervous systems. Like Frankincense, Nard assist in letting go of fear and old emotional wounds. It is very good for chakra energy or auric massage and helps those who are nearing death in transition. Nard acts on the brain and helps regenerate mental functions wherever you lack concentration,

    Spiritually, Nard helps us realize that our life on earth is not separate from the true purpose of creation. It helps strengthen the alchemy between matter and spirit, symbolized by the cosmic serpent that links the beginning and the end of biting its tall. Nard reveals the secret path to the one who seeks intently with an open heart. The exceptional quality of its spiritual forces are expressed in this flower which comes directly from its roots It is a PRECIOUS OIL.

    Application: Put 2-3 drops on your heart chakra in the morning to connect you to your innerself or on each or on each foot to ground you or your clients.

  • Chakra 2


    Chakra 2: Black Spruce, Ylang-Ylang, Geranium, Goldenrod, Clary Sage

    Utilization of creative forces into all aspects of being. High soul procreation. Direct self toward devotion.

    Related to pelvic, reproductive organs, ovaries, prostrate, testicles in the body.

    It can also be called Sacral chakra and is represented by the color Orange. It is located in the lower abdomen, below the navel.


    Apply 1-2 drops in your palms and rub them together. Place your hands in front of your face and inhale. Apply 1-2 drops to 2nd chakra.

    Safety- keep away from children, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.


  • Platinum dragon


    Bergamot, Mandarin, Howood , Frankincense, Cinnamon B&C

    Bergamot uplifts, calms, and brings joy. Rosewood facilitates spiritual flow to the body and reconnects to life.

    Put 2 drops in your hands and rub them, then touch something you want to prosper.

  • 12 Most Popular Blends

    Original price was: $259.00.Current price is: $194.00.

    25% Off

    12 Most Popular Blends: Abundance, Beautiful, Breathing, Energy, Headache, Immune up, Let go, Pain ease, Sinux, Sleep Well, Stress Out, Virus Out

    – Beautiful Black Lacquered box included


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Self Esteem


    Self Esteem: White Pine, Balsam Fir, Grapefruit, Jasmine

    This blend helps strengthen your sense of self and sense of well-being that promotes confidence in oneself. Use it when you feel low emotional by placing a few drops in the palm of your hands; rub your palms together and then take your open hands to brush your aura over your head and heart. Use it to boost your intention toward self-acceptance.

  • Cumin, Cuminum Cyminum – Egypt


    Cumin, Cuminum Cyminum – Egypt