• Pink (Quantum) Love Dragon


    Blue Spruce, Palmarosa, Jasmine, Frankincense,  Bulgarian Rose, Myrrh, Nard, Cinnamon Bark

    The combination of the 12 dragons creates the 13th one.

    Blue Spruce has higher vibration than the rose; Nard helps attain a sacred space within + deep Inner Peace.

    Rub 2 to 3 drops to your heart and smile.

  • Indigo dragon


     Lavendin , Ylang Ylang, Blue Spruce, Cypress, Jasmine, Blue Chamomile, Tansy & Yarrow

    Ylang-Ylang creates a feeling of peace and dispels anger.

    Apply 2 drop only to the 3rd eye.

  • Green Dragon


    Green Dragon: Rosewood, Howood, Blue Spruce, Oregano, Ravintsara, Bulgarian Rose

    The Green Dragon represents Balance in Creation. It is the Energy of the Heart Chakra which is where the portal to Love is. The Heart Chakra represents Balance between the 7 Chakras and therefore sits in the middle. Positioned between the lower and the higher Chakras, it is the gateway from our Soul to our Spirit and connection to the Higher Realms

     Apply 2 drops to heart chakra and penetrate them.

  • 12 Most Popular Blends

    Original price was: $259.00.Current price is: $194.00.

    25% Off

    12 Most Popular Blends: Abundance, Beautiful, Breathing, Energy, Headache, Immune up, Let go, Pain ease, Sinux, Sleep Well, Stress Out, Virus Out

    – Beautiful Black Lacquered box included


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • 12 Alchemy


    12 Alchemy: Agape, Alchemist, Beam of Light, Blue Ray, Gold and Green Ray, Light of God, Pink Ray, St Germain III, Violet Flame, White Ray and Yellow Ray.

    – Beautiful Black Lacquer Box included


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • 10 Chakra

    Original price was: $222.00.Current price is: $177.00.

    20% Off

    10 Chakra Set: All 8 Chakra Oil Blends, Aura Booster and Clear

    – Beautiful Black Lacquered box included


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Gift Set 2(Frankincense/Myrrh/Joy)

    Original price was: $79.00.Current price is: $71.00.

    10% Off

    Frankincense, Boswellia Carteril – Somalia
    Myrrh, Commiphora Molmol – Somalia
    Joy: Balsam Fir, Lemongrass, Rosewood


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • Special box autoimmune (6x4ml)


    MY FAVORITE OILS a lovely box of 6x4ml =$135

    Digestive2 drops under the tongue; put a drop in your juice or tea, or after heavy meal

    Turmeric- reduces inflammation. 2-3 drops/day

    Liver- Apply 1-3 drops on the liver area

    Ginger takes out the bad bacteria in the gut that causes many digestive issues 2-3 drops/day

    Adrenals 2-4 drops/day on the adrenals for 2 to 3 months

    Virus out– 5 drops to wrists, stomach, lower back and solar plexus

    – Beautiful Black Lacquered box included

  • Special box autoimmune (10x4ml)


    MY FAVORITE OILS a lovely box of 10x4ml =$230

    Digestive- 2 drops under the tongue; put a drop in your juice or tea, or after heavy meal

    Turmeric- reduces inflammation. 2-3 drops/day

    Ginger- takes out the bad bacteria in the gut that causes many digestive issues 2-3 drops/day

    Lymph Node- Apply 3 drops around neck, or on top of the feet

    Candida- Apply on lower belly or on a pad. Can mix with oils

    Liver- Apply 1-3 drops on the liver area

    Thyrobalance- 2 drops on throat 1/day for 3 weeks. Stop for 2 weeks and start again

    Immune up- 2-3 drops/day on the wrists or stomach

    Adrenals- 2-4 drops/day on the adrenals for 2 to 3 months

    Virus out- 5 drops to wrists, stomach, lower back and solar plexus


    – Beautiful Black Lacquered box included

  • Set of 6 dragons


    Blue Dragon: Blue Spruce, Verbena, Blue Chamomile

    Green Dragon: Rosewood, Howood, Blue Spruce, Oregano, Ravintsara, Bulgarian Rose

    Indigo Dragon: Lavendin , Ylang Ylang, Blue Spruce, Cypress Jasmine, Blue Chamomile, Tansy & Yarrow

    Orange Dragon: Orange, Petitgrain, Frankincense, Lime, Clove,  Cinnamon

    Red dragon: Cinnamon, Clove, Oregano, Thyme, Coriander

    White Dragon:White Spruce, Rosemary, White fir, C Tsuga, Eucalyptus, White angelica

    – beautiful black lacquered box included

  • 6 Goddess Set

    Original price was: $166.00.Current price is: $133.00.

    20% Off

    Set of 6 x 4ml oils:

    Amaterasu: Lemongrass, Rosewood, Rosemary, Balsam Fir, Eucalyptus, Goldenrod, Jasmine

    Isis: Cypress, Geranium, Black Spruce, Tagetes, Goldenrod, Bulgarian Rose, Jasmine

    Kwan Yin: Lavendula Vera, Petigrain, Laurel, Clary Sage and Sandalwood

    Mary: Lavender, Laurel, Rosemary, Marjoram, Bulgarian Rose

    Mary Magdalen: Canadian Tsuga, White Spruce, Nard, White Angelica, Frankincense, Neroli, Hyssop

    Venus: Ylang-Ylang, Orange, mandarin, Grapefruit, Jasmine, Cinnamon (use as perfume)

    – beautiful black lacquered box included


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.

  • 11 Dragon Set


    11 Dragons Set: Blue Dragon, Crystal Dragon, Gold Dragon, Green Dragon, Orange Dragon, Platinum Dragon, Purple Dragon, Red Dragon, Silver Dragon, White Dragon, Yellow Dragon.

    – Beautiful Black Lacquered box included

    DRAGONS come from the Star people. They are magical because they have  knowledge of all times, wisdom. Fairies –little people for the Amerindians- are the observers. Archangels Azrael  and Raguel work with the dragons.

    They are entrusted by ONE, because of their immense LOVE and breadth of Wisdom to make choices for Creation.  They make these choices based on the feedback they receive from ALL of Creation and the Quantum Realm.  They can read the Vibration Level of the Beings involved, for instance, Humans on Earth.  They also look at all of the potential timelines, and all other factors involved before making choices, based on the will of ONE, for the Highest Good of ALL.  It is a very complex process that is done at the Quantum Level.

    Creation is influenced by, guided by, looked after by ArchAngels, Dragons, Galactics, Quantums, Devics, The Divine Realm and so on.  Nothing in Creation is controlled by anything else.  ALL is ONE. Period.


    Safety- keep away from children, air, heat and light.

    Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or medical condition. The information provided is general and should not be taken as medical advice. Please consult your doctor, especially if being used during pregnancy, before using this product.