Cinnamon Cassia -organic- China
$19.00 – $45.00
It is indicated in case of intense fatigue, feeling of isolation or failure.
This oil is a dermal irritant, dermal sensitizer and a mucus membrane irritant; it is recommended to be diluted it in any vegetable oil (argan, jojoba, coconut) before applying it on the skin.
Cedarwood, Atlas, Cedrus Atlantica – United States
$9.00 – $24.00
Cedarwood, Atlas, Cedrus Atlantica – United States
100% pure and natural oil, distilled from the wings of the tree.
Excellent for balancing fluids in the body especially fluid retention.
It is a powerful essential oil, astringent and tonic, to be used diluted in a suitable vegetable oil (jojoba, coconut etc)
Ideal when blended with white pine and black spruce.
Canadian Tsuga-organic, Tsuga Canadensis – Canada
$23.00 – $57.00
This hemlock essential oil from Canada is distilled from the twigs of the tree.
Apply 4-8 drops and massage it under the feet or chest.
Used for muscular aches and pains, poor circulation, rheumatism, asthma, bronchitis, coughs, colds, flu, infections, anxiety, stress, etc.
Borage, Borago Officinalis, Cold Expressed – France
$20.00 – $44.00
Borage, Borago Officinalis, Cold Expressed – France
Borage, also known as a starflower, is an annual herb. It is native to the Mediterranean region and has naturalized in many other locales.Scientific name: Borago officinalisRank: SpeciesBergamot, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia, Italy
$25.00 – $49.00
Bergamot, Citrus Aurantium Bergamia, Italy -Most familiar flavor in Earl Grey Tea.
Aromatic Description: Fresh, orange/lemon/citrusy, slightly floral.
Medicinal Oil Uses: Acne, abscesses, anxiety, boils, cold sores, cystitis, depression, halitosis, itching, loss of appetite, oily skin, psoriasis, stress.
[Julia Lawless, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils (Rockport, MA: Element Books, 1995), 56-67.]
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